Jyväskylä Prayer Times
Marriage Survey
Only fill out this form if you are looking for a marriage partner with real intentions and you live in Finland. The applications will be processed totally confidentially. Only the organizer will see the applications.

Our Services

It can bring joy and stability to a relationship. Communication, trust, and compromise are important in a successful marriage.

Understand Hadiths
Understanding Hadiths requires study and context of the culture and history at the time.

Mosques often provide religious education classes that cover a wide range of subjects, including the Qur’an, Islamic history, ethics, and spirituality.

Mosque provides a source of comfort and support for the bereaved, and serve as a reminder of the importance of community and faith in times of loss.
Find Us
Let's Get in Touch and Let us Know your thoughts.

Hassan Khazari
+358 40 7265830

Sher e Khoda
+358 45 1084561